Σάββατο 12 Ιουλίου 2008

About suitcases and clothes

Well, since I'm leaving for the beautiful Greek island Santorini in less than a week (<3<3)with a friend I've never travelled with before,we actually started talking about the luggage. And then I realised that some people are completely ignorant about what they should put in their suitcase (or suitcases).So here are some do's and dont's of the suitcase and of the clothing you should bring along when you travel (I'm writing this mostly for women, 'cause we tend to do the worse mistakes when it comes to luggage)

1. Don't prepare more suitcases than you can carry. Well, don't, unless you have the means to pay somebody to carry them for you, or a husband/boyfriend/friend willing to do the job for free

2.Don't wear shorts and decolletés in muslim countries, especially not when walking on the road.

Don't wear high heels in greek islands,because of them have traditional, rocky roads, where you can trip and fall easily.Don't go casually dressed to a really luxurious restaurant.Well, the thing I want to say is that you should prepare your suitcase according to TPO (time, place, occasion).

4. Take with you clothes that you can wear in multiple occasions. For example (since it's summer)shorts that you can wear in the morning with your swimming suit and in the evening with a glamorous top, or dresses you can wear all day. Saves room in your suitcase.

5.(My rule) When talking about suitcases, less is more. Before making your suitcase, you should think about what events you'll be attending and what clothes, accessories etc you want to wear there.Don't take whatever you like without checking if, for example, the shoes match with the clothes you've put in the suitcase. Check out if the hotel rooms have hair dryers, so you don't have to bring one(though hotel's hair dryers usually suck :p).And even if you don't have something you need, you can still buy it in the place where you'll be staying. So don't prepare a huge suitcase when the only thing you need is a little bag. Your whole body will be thankful if you don't.

6.If you're travelling by plane, make sure you have put all your liquid things (yes, this includes make-up and lip gloss)in the suitcase you're not bringing with you on the plane, otherwise you'll see your precious liquids thrown away (no, they don't make exceptions even for 200 euro worth la prairie cremes, so be careful)

7. You'd better put some things in a bag that will be easy to open and not in the suitcase.Like : a cardigan,a book or magazine and a mini toothbrush(cause, trust me, you never know what can happen)

8.If you're carrying something fragile in your suitcase, you'd better put it between the clothes. And if you're travelling by plane, you should ask the person that takes care of the luggage to put a "fragile" sign on the suitcase.

9. While travelling, you should wear something comfortable and not too flashy. When you travel by plain (especially when it's a long distance flight) you shouldn't wear tight clothes and uncomfortable shoes. If you're travelling by ship (my experience of the greek islands)you should always have a jacket or cardigan with you.And, finally, if you travel by train, don't wear really exposing clothes, cause you never know who might come to your compartment (those who have seen "Eurotrip" actually know what I mean)

Well, I know some of the things I said might sound really obvious, but it's better for people to know.By the way, the reason that made me write this entry is that the friend I was talking about previously wanted to bring two big suitcases in a greek island for 4 days!!!(I think you already guessed it's a girl).I just hope she realised that it's outrageous...bah


Well...hi! I'm new to the blogging world, but i wanted to share my travelling experiences so I thought that this would be the best solution...I am native Greek but I lived many years in Luxembourg and I have travelled quite a lot too. And since I just finished high school i'm going to travel a lot this summer...So I hope that I can share my experiences with you!!